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Class is in session.

Thanks so much for your interest in Grow Your Medicine. The 2025 Cohort has started and enrollment is closed for this year. To learn about future offerings, please keep in touch via Whale Mail, my weekly herbal newsletter.


Seed to Bottle Workshop Series

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In the name of reciprocity,

if we are called to use the plants, it is essential that we know how to grow them. 


This course spans three months, from early February to late April, as we witness together the transition of winter into spring, a critical time for seed germination and plant growth.


With low-cost and easy to learn techniques, we will dive into the basics of seed germination, home + community herb gardening, seed-to-bottle herb business logistics, and land stewardship.

This offer is for you if you…
  • Use herbal medicine and you are curious about how herbs are grown

  • Are a seasoned urban agriculturalist and want to incorporate more herbs into your garden

  • Are a garden-loving hippy and want to reduce the carbon footprint of your medicine

  • Are a secret or wanna-be herb-nerd and want to immerse yourself in a plant-centered community

If you sign up, our intention is for you to leave with…
  • Excitement to start your own medicine garden, or integrate more herbs into your existing garden

  • Knowledge of how to germinate plant medicine

  • Confidence navigating garden design and planning

  • Connection and wonder to the natural world

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What you will Gain


Online Course

  • Familiarity with 20+ medicinal plants and how to cultivate them

  • Understand how to unlock multi-cycle germination

  • Common urban farming techniques

  • Greenhouse flow and organization

  • How to choose medicinal crops for your needs

  • Greater botanical vocabulary 

  • Garden design principles

  • Harvest and processing techniques


In Person Workdays

  • A first-hand understanding of the growth and development of plants from winter into spring

  • Social and historical context of the Bayview District

  • Deeper awareness of Earth’s seasonal rhythms

  • A strong sense of grass-roots community

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If you are located in the San Francisco Bay Area,

consider joining us in person at Calibird Pollinator Sanctuary!


In Person

We will gather six times for 3 hour in-person gardening sessions of learning and practice, which will follow the steps of germination, cultivation, maintenance and harvest of medicinal plants (18 hr total). 


We will be hosted by the Calibird Pollinator Sanctuary at 1820 Palou Ave in San Francisco, CA


The workdays will immerse you in the wonder and awe of plants and shift the way you interact with plants as food, medicine and a part of the urban landscape. There will also be additional hands-on course material taught by land steward Isaiah Powell, see more below.

Join us Online or in Person

Fortnightly on Tuesday Evening

Via Zoom, 6-7:30pm


January 28

February 11

February 25

March 11

March 25

April 8


Fortnightly on Saturdays

at Calibird Pollinator Sanctuary, 10am -1pm

February 1

February 15

March 1

March 15

March 29

April 12


In the

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Pay from the Heart

Your investment in this work will be distributed among program costs, leadership, and include donations to support the work of Calibird Pollinator Sanctuary and local indigenous land-back efforts.


By all of us contributing what we can afford, we will create the world we want to live in. Thank you for choosing a price that works well for you as well as so people of different economic backgrounds are able to join the workday series and learn the art and skills of seed to bottle herbalism. 

Payment plans are available

Both programs are available as 3 or 6 month installments. Please reach out if you would like to set this up, send me an email at brw.herbalist at gmail dot com.


Online Program

Join Us From Anywhere

Live and Access to Recordings


Vaquita Level: $299 

Orca Level: $375


Humpback Level: $500


Online & In Person

Virtual Course and in person workdays at

Calibird Pollinator Sanctuary in The Bayview District

of  "San Francisco, CA, USA,"

Beluga Whale Level: $780

Gray Whale Level: $960

Blue Whale: Level: $1200


Again, to set up a payment plan, please reach out to me via email: brw.herbalist at gmail dot com.

Or, apply to our work-trade program here for a low-cost ticket by 1/3/25. We have 1 low-cost spot ($75) and will reach out for interviews via email the week of Jan 6-10 2025.

Week 1

  • Course Orientation

  • Discussion of Seeds

  • Garden Site Selection

  • Honoring Brigid's Day

Week 3

  • Garden Planning

  • Garden Design Activity

  • Medicine Making Methods

Week 5

  • Multi-year cycles

  • Seasonal Cycles

  • Garden Maintenance

  • Materia Medica

Week 2

  • Greenhouse Management

  • How to Pot Up

  • Garden Bed Prep

  • Common Weeds

Week 4

  • Planting Out

  • Garden Pests

  • Asexual Propagation

  • Honoring Spring

Week 6

  • Harvest Methods

  • Tincture Pressing

  • Honoring Summer

  • Closing Circle

Additional Course Topics

for Workdays

  • Ecologic-Social-Political History of The Bayview

  • Composting and Soil Health

  • Intro to Bucket-Method Mushroom Cultivation​

Meet Your Instructors

Bonnie Rose (they/she) herbalist and educator 

Isaiah (he/him) visionary land steward

​Bonnie Rose Weaver is an energetic herbalist, educator and artist from San Francisco, CA. Their practice of herbalism is rooted in community accessibility and includes clinical, outdoor and group consultations. 


Bonnie Rose learned medicinal plant cultivation through work at Herb Pharm, study at The Chinese Medicinal Herb Farm, admiring plants, founding 1849 Medicine Garden and The Medicine Garden at Alemany Farm. 


Isaiah Powell is the co-founder of Dragon Spunk and Calibird Pollinator Sanctuary with a passion of turning formerly blighted areas into revitalized greenspaces. 


He is a Certified Producer of microgreen crops and played an integral role in activating the new Southeast Community Center to include a Certified Farmers Market. Isaiah’s groundbreaking work has been featured at the San Francisco Public Library Victory Garden Exhibit, and PBS America’s Heartland.

How to Sign Up

Step 1 

Decide if you want to join us online only, or online and in person.


Step 2

Choose which Pay-from-the-Heart option is best for you at this time and complete payment as one time payment in full, or as a monthly subscription of 3 or 6 payments.


Step 3

You’ll get a confirmation email immediately upon payment. Bonnie Rose will follow up with more information about how to access the class resources in Mid January.


Step 4

Mark you calendar for all the dates we will gather.


Step 5

Join us online on Tuesday, January 28th at 6pm!


How are growing herbs different from growing vegetables?

Great question! That’s what this series is all about! Essentially, vegetables are often more “cultivated” or manicured and pampered. Herbs tend to be of a wild quality. This is one of the main concepts of this course. Curious to learn more? Join us for this fun learning opportunity!


Can my kid join?

This course is best for people who can sustain their attention for up to 45 minutes. For this reason, we welcome adults and teens with a genuine interest in this topic and ask all other folks to join us for another offering. See Bonnie Rose’s upcoming events calendar here.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! You're welcome to choose a single payment or a payment plan of 3 or 6 months for either level and any price point. Please email me if you would like a subscription plan discount code (for Early Dolphin and Orca (Online Course) or Early Whale and Gray Whale (In Person + Online Course).

More about Workdays at Calibird Polinator Sanctuary

Who are the workdays for?

These hands-on, in-the-dirt work days are for the tactile learner with the desire to learn the skill of medicinal plant cultivation and herbal medicine, in real life. People of diverse backgrounds, cultures, genders, ages, income levels and abilities are welcome. Home gardeners and herbalists are encouraged to enroll, however no prior experience is necessary. We welcome everyone from age 15 - 115 who are curious about the art of medicinal plant cultivation.

Do I need to bring anything for in person workdays?

Not really, if you’re someone who likes to take notes you can bring a small notebook or plan a place to take notes on your phone or other device.

​And we are in SF after all, so it's usually wise to pack an extra layer, wear sunblock and have a sun hat (or beanie, or both!) in your bag just in case (from an herbalists perspective :P)

We will have all the tools and supplies you need for our in person gatherings.

Is Calibird Pollinator Sanctuary ADA accessible?

Sadly, it is not.

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Got more questions?

Email me at brw.herbalist at gmail dot com!

stars-01.png  |  (415) 343-5266  |  @bonnieroseweaver

I am an herbalist, not a medical doctor or a pharmacist. I do not diagnose or treat disease and/or illness. I offer educational support and make nutritional and lifestyle recommendations. 

© Bonnie Rose Weaver. Website witchery by Nicola Householder.

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