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Take a Walk

Happy New Moon in Libra! Here's a fresh suggestion for ya!

twin peaks and SF's freak beacon (aka sutro tower)

Suggestions for Humans #2: Take a Walk

Sometimes you need a break. You need to stop what you are doing, and go outside. You need some fresh air. You need to move your body. You need to see some new scenery. You need to get away from your phone and your computer. You need to breathe deeper. You need to feel the wind. You need to see the sunset. You need to go to the top of the hill. You need to say hello to your favorite rosemary bush. You ran out of eggs. You need to cool off before continuing a hard conversation. You need to say a prayer. You need to leave an offering. You need to take a walk.

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I am an herbalist, not a medical doctor or a pharmacist. I do not diagnose or treat disease and/or illness. I offer educational support and make nutritional and lifestyle recommendations. 

© Bonnie Rose Weaver. Website witchery by Nicola Householder.

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